Aug 22, 2007


Potatoes are dangerous things...

I once read something saying that "The potato of a group of people is someone who is mostly useless, but liked by everyone - no one finds it possible to hate the potato". In the wide world of vegetables and things that grow from the gound, I don't think I've ever met a person who disliked potatoes enough to not eat them. I've heard of people disliking lettuce, swearing against tomatoes, or hating broccoli. But not the good ol' potato.

And that makes it the most dangerous.

Potatoes tend to enjoy being cooked and prepared in fashions that ultimately further their (anti)nutritional value - calorie content especially, I guess - by many hundred percent. One prime example is the french fry (or, for patriotic sorts, the Freedom Fry). Every potato ever to be grown and harvested by the hands of man must yearn to become a basket of fries, freshly scooped out of sizzling oil, steaming and glistening formidably in the plates of ravished restaurant-goers.

They do seem to plunge into the frying oil oh-so eagerly. You can sometimes almost hear them exclaiming, "weeeeeee!". Splash, sizzle~

They don't even complain when they're being cut, for the cuts they endure, they know are specific to their most dreamed-of role: Fry. Companion of the burger, friend of ketchup, favorite of the masses.

One serving McD's Large Fries:
570 calories, 6g Sat fat, 8g Trans fat (ooooooooooh, that's 4 days' worth of Trans for the average person. ahhhh)

Potatoes are dangerous things... So round and harmless.. and they do smell so tasty once they're cooked -

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